Monday, October 31, 2011

The sweetest roar and cutest pumpkin pie ever

Happy Halloween!
Baby A voted no thanks to the Lion suit after a short while so we wore a pumpkin outfit instead! 
That's green frosting in his hair. I did it after we were out of the house so Daddy couldn't object.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Mr. Green Jeans says hiya

We have dealt with two viruses (daycare) and we still have no teeth!
We still love our books, pets, and walks in a stroller.

This is my grandmother NeNe's favorite face.
Mama found me a vintage outfit that I can barely squeeze into.
I am still in the room. Hey! Can you guys hear me or what?

Still reading books.

Hope you are well and we send kisses. Big, sloppy, wet ones.
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